While there is still some stigma associated with the loss of a pet, it continues to diminish. In those who will admit to grieving, a very high percentage of those who have lost a pet experience grief more intensely with the loss of their pet than that of a parent or spouse. We understand that this is a very significant amount of pain. If you or someone you care about would find more information helpful, here are some available options for helping with your grieving process:

  • Seek Advice  if you are taking the loss extremely hard, be it from a friend or family, or even a psychiatrist or grief counselor.
  • Products such as books (Some available at our office; please request at the desk)
  • Put together a photo album
  • Purchase or make a headstone

Here are some websites that we feel are very helpful in dealing with the loss of a dearly loved pet.

One of our favorites:  https://www.helpguide.org/articles/grief/coping-with-losing-a-pet.htm/

For assistance in cremation of your pet, we highly recommend and use West Coast Pet Memorial in Eugene.  Click here to visit their website.  https://www.westcoastpetmemorial.com/

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